
Showing posts with label WOL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOL. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Waking up devices in (Home Assistant)

This is a quick post on a challenge I had to overcome while integrating my SmartTV (an LG TV 55UJ620V) with

I wanted to be able to turn on the TV (as such allowing automations to be built on top of it, or for example turning it on through a voice command via Google Assistant). As such I first resorted to using the Home Assistant Wake on LAN built in integration ( It kind of worked, but was not very reliable (perhaps 2 out of 5 times it would work).

I knew that by definition, the way that (Wake-up On LAN) WOL is implemented is inherently unreliable: essentially the target (dormant) device is expecting a frame with a specific pattern of bytes. If it receives that frame, it wakes up the host, otherwise nothing happens. The device will normally scan for that pattern of bytes in the frame regardless of the type of transport level protocol it may be on top of. In the case of WiFi in particular, there is the probability (high or low, depending on the network conditions) of that single frame not reaching the destination. This probability increases with the more hops we have in between.

With this implementation I was requiring the magic packet to be sent from a host (the Raspberry Pi where I keep running) that is in a separate router vlan, from where the TV is (these are connected via Ethernet and WiFi respectively):